
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Joining His Work

This spring I had to opportunity to travel to Seattle for a short mission trip. There I was able to be part of an evangelism team that did little more than walk around the University of Washington campus and talk to students about spirituality. Although Seattle has a reputation for being a very cold place for the Gospel, we saw God do some amazing things! A friend of mine started a conversation with girl who had just moments before been in her room praying to God that He would give her some sign that she should seek Him. When she heard why my friend was on campus she was moved to tears. My friend Walter and I were privileged to talk to a student named Will. He had gone to church when he was younger and knew about Christ, but no one had ever asked him what he believed, and he had never given it much thought. He decided to pray with us right there to accept Christ!

These stories really resound with me when I think about ministry. Throughout that entire trip, our team felt like bystanders; like we were merely joining in on things God was already doing, a small part of a story in progress. In truth I think this is how God intends every ministry to work. God is the one who draws people to Him. While He uses people through ministry work, without God first acting within people all the best efforts of the most experienced missionary are in vain. I feel privileged to be called to join in as a part of His ministry at Purdue University, and I can’t wait to see what He as in store for the students there this fall!

For now, I am in the midst of raising support for this ministry for the coming year. This next week (July 1-7th) I am going to be in Lander, WY meeting with people there! Pray that people will be available to meet and eager to hear about this work I’m able to be a part of. My fundraising goals still seem vast to me, and God is stretching my faith, but I know He will provide!

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all there things will be added to you.”Matt 6:33

If you’re interested in hearing more about my ministry, please contact me at

In His Strength,