
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beginning at Purdue

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." - 1 Thessalonians 2:5

Jon Chen giving the rest of our staff a tour on campus
This August I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Lafayette, Indiana to help our staff team kick off the fall semester at Purdue University! It was a blessing to be able to help plan out ministry activities for the semester and join in the recruiting activities during the first weeks. I was also able to meet tons of students during the few weeks I was there, both the incoming freshmen as well as the student laborers who serve alongside us.

The first week students were on campus was marked by a frenzy of activity. About 6,000 freshmen come to campus the week before classes for Boiler Gold Rush, or BGR week. It’s a week of orientation events where freshmen get to know the campus and prepare for the semester. To get the word out about Navs we were very busy that week at the activity fairs and with organizing games and events to help students get acquainted and connected with the ministry. That week also gave me the chance to get to know some of the student leaders who serve with us.

Student leaders at one of our first leaders' meetings
The Navigator ministry at Purdue would be ineffective without the faithful students that volunteer their time to help facilitate events and show love to their fellow students. Working with the student leaders at Purdue reminded me of my role within the ministry. These students are the ones who go to classes with and live alongside the students we are seeking to reach. As a staff member, it’s my role to come alongside these students to equip them and help them share Jesus with those around them. I’m happy to report that I saw the student leaders at Purdue jump at opportunities to serve and take initiatives to develop relationships with new students!

A major personal highlight of my first weeks at Purdue was the chances I got to meet with one particular freshman. I met this guy at the BGR activity fair. Even in the busy environment of the activity fair I got into a conversation with him about his family and his spiritual background. He declares himself an agnostic, and I found that entire life he’s independently sought to gain an understanding of the nature of God. I went out on a limb and invited him to meet again over lunch later that week to continue our conversation. He jumped on that, and we had the opportunity to meet twice while I was on campus. This guy is very intelligent and especially willing to discuss spiritual beliefs and the Bible. It was so encouraging to meet with him because, whatever topics we were talking about, it was obvious that he was giving every verse and every idea a lot of thought. He would never answer hastily, and was very interested in learning from the Bible and getting my perspective on scripture and the nature of God. I’m looking forward to returning to campus and getting an opportunity to meet with him again.

For now I’m back at home in Lander, Wyoming raising support so I can return to campus. The month of September has gone by surprisingly fast. It has been a great encouragement to be in contact with my teammates at Purdue and hear reports of what God is doing on campus, but He has also made it clear that I belong at Purdue and not here in Wyoming. God has been showing Himself faithful, my first week back in Wyoming I saw a 10% increase in my support level, but I still have a significant amount of support to raise before I can return to Purdue.

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory..." - Ephesians 3:20-21

Please pray with me that God would show Himself as The Provider, and that He would raise up individuals to support me in His ministry.
Also, pray for the rest of my staff team and the student leaders at Purdue. They are continually at work on campus leading bible studies and sharing the love of God with the students around them.
Finally, pray for the students themselves; that they would be open to discussions on faith and the bible, and that God would raise up students who have a desire to share the Gospel with their fellow students.

Carrying on in Him,